Lemon Black Magic Killing Spells – Nimbu Maran Pryog - नींबू मारण प्रयोग

Lemon Black Magic Killing Spells – Nimbu Maran Pryog - नींबू मारण प्रयोग

+91 7082272201
Select the silence and pure place for this ritual. Make the seat of yellow soil. Now when the soil will dry up then set the white cotton sheet on it. Now sit on it and your face should be in the west. Use Ghee or butter lamp in front of you. You need to Offer some dishes so keep these with you. Some sweets, two cloves and lemon are required to keep during this worship. Chant this spells 108 * 21 times and then flow all things into river or in sea. Just keep lemon with you. Do this for the forty days. Now after the completion of this period, chant this spells 108 times and spelled the lemon with this spell. Take one iron nail and make half hole in the lemon, it will give high and lot of pain to enemy and if you will cross the iron nail from the lemon then your enemy will died on spot.

IN HINDI VERSION - Nimbu Maran Pryog - नींबू मारण प्रयोग


बार बांधोबार निकले। जा काट धारणी सुजाये। लय बहरना चौं हाथ से।

तो काट दांत से। दुहाई भामहवा की। 

विधिएक साफ़ सुथरी एकांत स्थान पर पिली मिटी से चौका बना कर सफ़ेद चादर बिछा दो। वहां पर सामने घी का दिया जलालो। आपका मुह पश्चिम की तरफ होना चाहिए।  भोग के लिए हलुवा व् पूरी रख लो।  फिर गंजे की चलममेवादौ लौंग ,निम्बूव् इत्र भी रख लो। अब प्रतिदिन २१ माला जप करो 40 दिनों तक।  तत्पश्चात १०८ बार मंत्र जप कर निम्बू कोअभिमंत्रित कर लोलेकिन पहले सभी सामग्री को नदी में बहा आओ केवल निम्बू को छोड़ कर  अब कील लेकर निम्बू मेंघोप दोशत्रु को वो पीड़ा होगी जैसे किसी ने पे में चाकू घूप दिया हो। अगर अपने कील निम्बू के आर पार कर दी तो शत्रुतत्काल मर जाएगा।

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